Driving & Earning model

There are 4 types of vehicles in WHEELY, each transport type fits with different behaviors of movement, has different efficiency and energy consumption. Users should choose transport based on their daily commuting behaviors to maximize their earnings:

  1. Bicycle

  2. Scooter

  3. Motorcycle

  4. Car

A vehicle metrics and BOOSTERS will affect its earnings performance. Users must consider each metric and optimize metrics for maximum earning.

A vehicle’s metrics are described below:

Energy Consumption: the amount of energy consumed by the vehicle while driving. A vehicle will stop earning when there is no energy left in it. Energy consumption is different for each vehicle and depends on the vehicle type.

Maximum distance: the maximum distance that a vehicle can travel and get paid for the day. The distance is automatically calculated based on the total energy reserve, the energy consumption of the specific mode of transport, and the driving style of the user.

Energy: the amount of energy applied to each mode of transport of the user. The user needs to select per vehicle to consume energy as efficiently as possible. The user can spend energy traveling on several modes of transport in a day. This metric is updated several times a day in parts. Energy consumption directly affects total energy.

Reliability: a metric that determines how reliable the vehicle is. This metric affects the profitability of the vehicle. When reliability drops, users should repair the vehicle to get 100% of their earnings.

Efficiency: a metric that shows how efficient the vehicle is. The higher the efficiency, the more earnings users can get.

Speed limit: the limit of minimum and maximum speed that must be kept in order to start the game token earning mechanism.

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